Plastic bags. How to reuse and repurpose them

Plastic is an issue. It is most commonly seen fouling landfills, where it can take up to 400 years to degrade or poison our planet’s marine ecosystems. However, plastic is a big part of our everyday lives.
With more and more people paying attention to our planet’s needs and switching to sustainable, recyclable products, manufacturers are also beginning to take care of their packaging. Plastic bags, however, are one of the most significant plastic issues we face. Some of them are now recycled and/or recyclable but most of them are still made of the usual plastic that pollutes our ecosystem and kills animals.

The good news is that plastic bags can easily be repurposed. They can help make cleaning your kitchen a lot easier, make beautiful decorations, and help you stay more organised. Keep reading to find out what the best ways to repurpose old plastic bags are. You will spare yourself some time and money and will help keep the environment clean and safe. Get on and forget about the long hours of cleaning, shopping, and putting garbage away.

Cleaning your kitchen after cooking made easy
If you are a messy cook and dread the post-cooking cleaning, save a few plastic bags and reuse them as a mini garbage bin while you are preparing your meal. Place a bag on the counter next to you and throw away vegetable peels, seeds, and other waste that you come across while cooking. You can also reuse them as small garbage bags for the bins in the office, bathroom, bedroom, etc.

Decorate in no time
Whether you want to freshen up your patio for summer or it is time to decorate for Halloween or another holiday, plastic bags got your bag. You can make beautiful pom pom lights (you can use coloured plastic bags to create ambiance), ghost decorations, and others.

Get handy
If you love crafts, knitting, sewing, and painting, plastic bags will be your friend. You can make yarn from plastic bags (simply cut them in stripes and twist them in order to make a thread). You can knit yourself a bag, put together a coin purse, and even a whole wallet. If you know how to crochet, you can make hats or other small items which would make a perfect gift for your friends and family.

Make a basket

Make a basket for your shoes, laundry, or toys. This may not be the simplest (or quickest) DIY, but it will help reduce your carbon impact. Depending on the size of your basket, you might save up to 50 plastic shopping bags from the garbage. Talk about being environmentally friendly!

Keep and reuse plastic bags
Consider reusing if you aren’t a DIY specialist. Reusing plastic bags for things like storing recipe cards or food leftovers, or packing your kid’s lunch is also an environmentally friendly gesture. This is a fantastic method to repurpose plastic bags and keep them out of the environment. The big, strong plastic bags you bring home from the supermarket, you can keep and bring whenever you are shopping. That way, you will not need to purchase a new one for your groceries.

Make a little toy for your pet
Finding the ideal present for a new baby or pet in your life can be difficult. Making one yourself allows you to show how much you value them. You can also personalise it with adorable patterns and colours that match their personality. Stuff the pillow with plastic bags so that it makes noise every time it is being played with.

Make beautiful coasters

By making one-of-a-kind coasters out of plastic bags, you can avoid water stains on your furniture while also demonstrating your eco-friendliness to guests. pick some pretty bags for this DIY trick and avoid unsightly water rings on your table for good.

Grab them on a walk
If you have a dog, you certainly know that their mess should be picked up. Instead of buying new pet bags, grab a few old plastic bags and use them instead. This is a great way to reduce plastic waste and find another use for those useful little bags.

Make a cosy night lampshade for your living room or bedroom
A table lamp made of cardboard and reused plastic bags will add a warm glow to any area. Using an energy-efficient LED light bulb makes this craft even more environmentally friendly. Similar to the patio lights, you can pick different colours in order to create the desired atmosphere in the room.

Make packing easier

If you travel on a regular basis, you know how messy and annoying packing can be. To reduce the chaos inside your suitcase, grab a few plastic bags and organise your clothes and items inside them. Use one for your underwear and socks, another for your shoes, a third for your toiletries, etc. You can grab a few empty ones to use for laundry and other things.